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Meet the Founder: Biek from Biekaleidoscope

Meet the Founder: Biek from Biekaleidoscope

Meet the Founder: Biek from Biekaleidoscope

Last week, we sat down with Biek from Biekaleidoscope to learn more about the importance of sustainability in her work as a personal curator. Learn more about what she does and the importance of circularity and secondhand September in our interview with her!

1) Firstly congratulations on the birth of your baby daughter Fiep! How has the new arrival changed family life?

Thanks so much! She is such a precious addition and I feel so lucky! We have a 2 year old boy who is just the sweetest big brother. We have been prepping him as much as we could through books and involving him in changes we made for the house (he needed to move to a big boy floor bed and give up his crib for his baby sister, for example), and got him a doll carrier so he would know what it would be like when mama would have the new baby in the carrier, just as prepping with some books. 

I find the second baby so much easier because it’s not a huge lifestyle change - you already live on sleep deprivation, and working around nap times, etc. I also hardly had to purchase anything - because we’re repurposing all of Ivy’s things (it’s a boy and his name is Ivy, which I know is unusual in Asia) and clothes. I did give myself permission to buy a few girly clothes for several sizes, and all preloved!



2) Your main aim is to empower a conscious lifestyle through the lens of fashion and art. How did this come about and how do you help the community in doing so?

My mission to empower women for a conscious lifestyle stems from a deep passion for sustainability and creativity. I have been part of the fashion industry for over 20 years, and as a seasoned designer who worked for high end labels up to fast fashion — I have seen it all. 

Beautiful quality items and “more is more”. I have the desire to transform the fashion industry into something more sustainable, unique, and tailored to each individual. The journey started as a fashion designer and grew into an artful exploration of textiles and conscious living — because a mindset change in clothes that you wear that you feel fantastic in, has a domino effect on the rest of your life. Both in how you feel, but also how you act, how you spend your money, and taking care of yourself.



Empowering a conscious lifestyle through the lens of fashion is done in several ways:

Wardrobe curation

I help women build a sustainable wardrobe that aligns with their unique (life)style, without spending thousands of dollars, but instead working with what already exists. My service guides them through a decluttering process, organisation, and helping them choose quality over quantity. 


Through my art I emphasise the beauty of conscious living and using what you already have. I transform old clothes and clothes that hold memories (your baby’s first outfit, for example) into something of beauty that is part of your interior and therefore part of your daily life, instead of living inside a box that you never see, or being added to landfill. Additionally, I also create collage art from fashion magazines. Those are often beautiful editorials on nice paper. A magazine is never read again, but it’s also such a waste to just toss into recycling. I turn them into pieces that empower or just simply make you happy in your home.

Educational content

My blog posts, newsletters, and social media  content exists to inspire and inform. It will be (work in progress) your go-to source for insights on fabrics, style personalities, conscious brands, quality in clothes, how to be a conscious consumer, wardrobe curation and clothing care. Biekaleidoscope is about encouraging everyone to embrace a lifestyle of conscious choices, beginning with their wardrobes, and extending to the world of art and sustainable living. Through my expertise and creative eye, I help others see the beauty in less but better choices, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable and harmonious world.

3) You have done some amazing projects from Closet Confidence and also keeping memories through art via clothes. What has been your most impactful project and why?

Oh, that is a tough one because I work so closely together with my clients, that everyone has their own beautiful unique story. I don’t take anyone for granted and I am honestly grateful for every new client or customer who takes the effort to follow, message, purchase, or commission a service or artwork. For commissions I have worked with clothes from a diseased person, turning a picture into a Moon Milk as a family heirloom, and turning school uniforms in a forever memory and celebration. 

I am honoured to witness Confident Closet clients going from lost in their style and feeling insecure, to feeling in control, more balanced, and confident. That is the biggest present in what I do; I am part of huge life shifts and celebrations. It’s a transformation for life. And I’m not going to lie — there are some tears being shed often.



4) At Retykle we have stringent quality control on all our products to ensure the highest standards are met for all our clothes, toys and gear. What advice would you give to mothers on buying pre-loved clothes?

I'm a big advocate of Retykle and the sustainable way it offers. Preloved children's clothes, especially from Retykle, are often in fantastic condition – even by my high standards. We all tend to have overflowing closets, especially for our kids. Their rapid growth, especially in the first year or so, means they outgrow clothes quickly. That's why it makes little sense to buy everything new when there's a wealth of gently worn, quality items out there.

Spread the word to family and friends – newborns don't need new clothes. My 8-week-old is already into the next size, and her wardrobe is mostly hand-me-downs from her brother. It's a sustainable choice that saves money and the planet.

We all face choices when it comes to things in our life. Sometimes, budget constraints lead us to opt for quick and cheap options. I get it - it’s sometimes what our wallets allow. But here’s the secret: quality pieces last.

Think about it this way: several cheap items may seem like a cost-effective choice, but they add up. In the end, they can’t compete with the durability of one or two high-quality pieces.

Quality is an investment with benefits. You can even resell it at a good price later, like “renting” the item. The longer you’ve had it, the more affordable it becomes. It’s a smart choice that’s not only economical but also enjoyable. In contrast, fast fashion is like buying a car - it’s resale value drops as soon as you leave the store.



5) Secondhand September is here and it's a great time for busy mothers to start on their journey to sustainability. As a Mother of two young kids, and a busy lifestyle, what are your 3 main tips for Mothers to start now?

Shop Secondhand for Kids' Clothing: As a mother of two, I understand how quickly children outgrow their clothes. It's not just cost-effective; it's eco-friendly to buy preloved children's clothing. Check out local thrift stores, online marketplaces, or platforms like Retykle for gently worn, high-quality options. And don’t limit yourself to clothing. Oftentimes, wooden toys are in excellent condition!

Educate and Involve Your Kids: Our children are the future! Teach them about the importance of sustainability. Involve them in donating their old clothes and choosing secondhand items. It's a valuable lesson about responsible consumption that will benefit them throughout their lives and it can be a fun bonding activity. Explain that it makes space for new things and it could potentially make someone else happy! It could also be pocket money for another purchase and that makes them appreciate value in things that are just sitting in their rooms.

Creativity: Encourage your kids' creativity and connect with them through art projects using recycled materials. Create fun art sessions where you make collages, sculptures, or paintings using old magazines, discarded fabric, or even worn-out clothing. It instills the values of repurposing and upcycling. Plus, it's a wonderful way to bond with your little ones and inspire their creativity.

The most important tip is to start small and incorporate changes gradually. All change starts with awareness. And as soon as you incorporate some small practices into your family routine, it can lead to more sustainable living without overwhelming your busy lifestyle. Happy Secondhand September! 

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